Great East Japan Earhquake Update: 267,000 syill evacuees; charity efforts ongoing

On the third anniversary of the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake – and the tsunami and nuclear mayhem that followed – the Japan Times reports that 267,000 people are still evacuees nationwide, and that 97,000 people in the most affected areas still live in makeshift accommodation.

I included in the previous post links to charities working in the Tohoku region. Back in 2011 I participated in a music and spoken word event, Shakin it Back, at What the Dickens in Ebisu. Now, an anthology of work read at that event has been published for the Kindle, mostly through the efforts of Taylor Mignon – one of the organizers of the original event. There’s a short essay of mine in there, “In Bloom”,  which I wrote in response to how my students – who had to evacuate the school – handled themselves on a day that tested the mettle of everyone affected. Half the proceeds of the book sales will go to organizations who continue to work with victims of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crisis.