Autumn in Tokyo: Photos

Temples, Mountains, and “Koyo” Autumn Leaves

Mitsumine Shrine in Koyo Autumn Seasaon; Saitama, Tokyo Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Koyo Autumn Season; Tokyo, Japan
Mitsumine Shrine in Koyo Autumn Seasaon; Saitama, Tokyo Japan
Mitsumine Shrine in Koyo Autumn Seasaon; Saitama, Tokyo Japan
Mitsumine Shrine in Koyo Autumn Seasaon; Saitama, Tokyo Japan

Mitsumine Shrine in Koyo Autumn Seasaon; Saitama, Tokyo Japan
Autumn at Mitsumine Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.
Autumn at Mitsumine Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.
Drying Persimmons; Tokyo Japan
Drying Persimmons; Tokyo Japan

In the spirit of ukiyo-e woodblock prints and sumi-e monochrome ink painting, some judicious processing in Olympus Workspace, DxO PhotoLab, and Adobe Lightroom has been applied to emphasize the feel of this dramatic landscape.

Tokyo Kills Me 2.0: Photos

Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

I have always felt that the world is an erotic place… For me cities are enormous bodies of people’s desires. And as I search for my own desires within them, I slice into time, seeing the moment. That’s the kind of camera work I like. — Daido Moriyama

See more photos from Tokyo Kills Me 2.0, circa 2009-2010




Tokyo Kills Me: Photos

Tokyo Kills me, 2008

Ongoing Updates (5.26.18). Snapshots from daily life in and around Tokyo, a.k.a. “The Big Sushi,” at the end of the second millennium and the start of the third.

Check out the most recent pictures posted, circa 2007-2008, at Tokyo Kills Me: Photos

Shirakawago: Traditional Farmhouse Village in the Japanese Countryside

An open-air “living museum” of traditional farmhouses deep in Japan’s countryside

Shirakawago; Gifu, Japan

Steep-sloped thatched rooftops reach for the sky like hands raised in prayer. Narrow, fast-flowing drainage ditches alive with carp and trout knit the rice paddies and the hulking, three- and four-story farmhouses together into the village of Ogimachi, the main attraction of the Shirakawago region in a remote, pine-covered mountain valley in Gifu prefecture. The total effect is like something out of a Japanese folktale perhaps: Momotaro Peach Boy, or a whimsical Ghibli Studios anime such as My Neighbor Totoro.

Read the rest of the post here…

Buddhist Temple, Kichijoji

Buddhist Temple; Kichijoji, Tokyo Japan

Anyoji Buddhist Temple; Kichijoji, Tokyo Japan

More pictures uploaded to the galleries at 500px: these from photo walks around Kichijoji in the autumn of 2007. The picture above is from a small Buddhist temple tucked away near the top of Sunshine Dori shopping street. Check out this and other pics full-sized at


Mount Mitakesan Photo Gallery

The stairs to Musashi Mitake Shrine

For more than ten years R. and I have visited the Shinto shrine at the summit of Mount Mitakesan, the village of minshuku and restaurants below, the “Rock Garden” river course, and the trails to surrounding peaks such as Mount Otakesan and Mount Hinodesan.

In order to create this gallery of pictures from those trips, I have gone back to the earliest scans of pictures I shot back in the days of film photography, when my pride and joy was a Konica Hexar Silver camera and rolls of Fuji Velvia and Provia. I’ll continue to add pictures, though it will take time: we average maybe three trips a year, and we’re going again this weekend!

You can view the Mount Mitakesan gallery on 500px, or see all the galleries on 500px on my gallery landing page…