“Walking Hand in Hand”: Charity Song for Tohoku Survivors from The Complaints Department

As part of their ongoing effort to raise awareness and money for the survivors of the Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami (they were instrumental in organizing the recent trilogy Musicians for Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Vols. 1 -3, at What the Dickens in Tokyo, as well as doing volunteer work in the disaster area), my buddies The Complaints Department have released their video Walking Hand in Hand which includes their original – and  catchy – post-punk tune,  as well as images from the disaster area. Powerful stuff.

Here, in his own words, is the band’s lead singer Nate Gildart:

Some of you already know about the charity song my band has released on iTunes and Amazon MP3, with ALL PROCEEDS being donated to grassroots charities working in the Tohoku (northeastern) region of Japan. It can be sampled on YouTube, as well as on iTunes. If you like it, please download it and pass it on to friends and family. This isn’t a callous effort to promote the band; we questioned whether we should release it at all. 皆さんにメールを送ってすみませんが、チャリティーのためですから許してください。2011年の11月に僕のバンドはiTunes& Amazon MP3にチャリティーソングをリリースしました。『手をつなぎながら』と言う曲です。売上金は全て東北で活躍しているNGOに寄付します。好きだったら友人、家族などに教えてください。バンドの宣伝の為ではなく、チャリティーの為です。

There is still a lot to do in terms of reconstruction, but 2012 will bring better things to Japan. まだまだ、たくさんの仕事がありますが、2012年に日本は一歩一歩進んでいく!


Download at:

Official Web Site: http://www.thecomplaintsdepartment.net/

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/jp/album//id482075047?l=en

Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.jp/手をつなぎながら-Walking-Hand-in/dp/B006BADEJC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321920913&sr=8-1

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYJpeR6ix54&feature=youtu.be